You have a beautiful smile and it’s time to realize its potential.
Growing up I had my fair share of mouth problems, toothaches, stains, cavities, braces, crowns, fillings, and more. Now in a perfect world, none of this would be necessary and I’d have perfect teeth but that’s not the case.
Almost everyone in the world has had some problem with their dental care and I’m going to show you it’s possible to completely reverse disease in the mouth and have truly strong and resilient teeth.
Every time you go to the dentist it seems like you have another problem with your teeth and need a filling, crown, or even a root canal. take a deep breath and understand that mainstream dentists who are pumped out by the education system do not learn that teeth can be healed and regenerated. So before you drill and fill take a second to chill.
The most important things when it comes to the health of your teeth and mouth in my experience are
- nutrition
- oral microbiome
- having your mouth care system (I’ll talk about this later)
- the position and alignment of your jaw.
- education around the dangers of modern dentistry.
This guide is meant to be broad. I’ll be going more in-depth into things in other blog posts.
Nutrition is the most important.
Dr. Weston A. Price was a Dentist in the early 1900s who set out on a mission to figure out why most people in the modern world were having major problems with their dental health. So he went to remote parts of the world that were not yet modernized to see what made their teeth so healthy. What he found in these remote places was a lack of cavities, perfect jaws that fit all their teeth, little to no teeth erosion, and no dentists. The conclusion he came up with is that modern people’s diet of highly processed, refined foods lacking in vitamins, minerals, and life force is the culprit of modern dental diseases. And boy was he correct
The main difference between the “primal” groups and the modern people’s teeth was the quality of their diet. The primal people all had different diets and cultures but what stayed the same was they all focused on high-quality animal foods. Whether they were hunters or agrarian animal foods were vital to the health of these people. Red meat, pork, raw milk, butter, eggs, bone marrow, soups, cheese, fish, shellfish, organs, etc. Along with animal foods they also had high-quality plant foods.
When it comes to dental health nutrition mostly from animal foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins and minerals is the most important to strengthen enamel, prevent tooth decay, promote a healthy oral microbiome, and heal your mouth.
The foods you want to avoid are processed sugar and artificial sweeteners, candy, soda, cereals, fruit juice that’s sweetened, grains and nuts that haven’t been fermented (high amounts of anti-nutrients), table salt, junk food, fast foods, prescription drugs, seed oils, and anything that is not organic and high quality. I am a fan of natural sugar and I think they’ve gotten a bad rap but see what your direct experience shows you. The key is to do your best sourcing quality food without going neurotic.
Now there’s a a major push for veganism and plant-based diets that lack many of the things animal foods have. If you’re hell-bent on being vegan like I was once upon a time until I cracked then I encourage you to make sure you’re getting everything in your diet (which is almost impossible).
Mouth Care System
This is something I avoided for a few years because I deemed it too “modern.” However, I began to see the value in having your mouth care system when I started seeing stains on my teeth. Probably from all the apple cider vinegar, I was drinking at the time because I was doing a lot of liver flushes. And this system I found has gotten rid of those stains completely and my smile is better than it was before.
Currently, my mouth care system includes water flossing, Closyls sensitive mouth rinse, brushing with an automatic toothbrush with soft bristles, xylitol gum, oil pulling (with coconut oil), homemade baking soda and coconut oil toothpaste, Hello Fluoride-Free toothpaste, and Listerine original (yes Listerine).
This mouth care system is a mix of my research and Dr. Ellie Phillips’s. She has something called a complete mouth care system and I suggest you check it out but I adjusted it to omit the fluoride. She also has a great book.
When it comes to the toothbrush you don’t necessarily need an automatic one I just prefer it at the moment and I also like soft bristles so their not so hard on my teeth.
The saliva in your mouth is meant to be alkaline so I take a piece of xylitol gum after I eat to create an alkaline environment. You can also have a piece of cheese or milk at the end of a meal to promote alkalinity.
Water flossing is pretty new to me and I’ve been loving it. I do it at the beginning of my routine it gets hard to reach places. Especially if you have teeth that aren’t coming in correctly this could be a game changer to avoid infection. You can also put salt in it to create a saline rinse type of thing.
So when it comes to toothpaste and mouthwash. For toothpaste, I switch between my homemade toothpaste and Hello brand fluoride-free toothpaste. For mouthwash this one is weird. Dr Ellie Phillips recommends Listerine and Closyls as a part of the system. My intention is exploration and health so I’ve been trying these two and my teeth have felt cleaner. These two things have ingredients that I’m not a fan of so I’ll see how it goes. She does have some research that shows Listerine doesn’t cause damage to the oral microbiome. If you don’t want to use Listerine then use 3% hydrogen peroxide with water.
Make your mouthcare system unique to you but also be somewhat realistic. Just because something is modern does not mean it’s bad.
Below is me before taking care of my oral health.

Above is me after the mouth care system. Not perfect but still working!
Position Of Your Jaw
The position of the jaw can make or break your mouth. It determines your mental clarity, mental health, the health of your nervous system, the attractiveness of your face, teeth grinding if your teeth come in straight, level of tooth decay, and more.
I’m doing lots of research on this at the moment because it is fairly new to me.
What I do know is that most people’s jaws are completely out of alignment.
Dr. Weston A. Price Observed that native people had “perfectly formed dental arches.” In other words, they had perfect jaws.
Conventional orthodontists try to fix this with braces and filing down the teeth but this is a mistake. The more holistic and healthy way to do it is to slowly reposition the jaw so that everything is in alignment through the use of Orthopedics.
Professionals will tell you that the way your teeth come in is because of your genetics and of course this is horse shit. It’s the diet, lifestyle, and nutrition of the parents that determine whether the child’s jaw will develop properly or not.
When you close your mouth the jaw and your TMJ should be relaxed and your teeth should be flush with each other
As I’ve been learning about this I’ve been feeling into the tightness and discomfort of my jaw.
It’s beyond the scope of this blog post to fill you in on how to correct your jaw but I’ll make a full blog post in the future.
Dental Dangers
Education about dental dangers is vital.
We must understand that most dentists are pumped out by a system that focuses not on quality but on the quantity of patients. If the focus is quantity then their going to use the quickest modalities and the cheapest materials on each patient which results in a fucked up mess.
The biggest dangers of dental work are amalgam fillings (mercury), braces, root canals, pulling teeth, and fluoride.
The dentist can cause a lot of trauma and pain for a lot of people (it has for me). People end up getting out of touch with their teeth and don’t take care of them. Because that’s what trauma does. It keeps you blind and closed off to reality.
I am a fan of dental cleanings but I know some people who aren’t. This decision is up to you. Let your direct experience guide you.
So are dentists overrated? The ones that suck are overrated;) and the ones who genuinely care about their craft and the health of people’s mouths are the truly valuable ones.
Dental problems cause so much pain, suffering, and insecurity, and I’ve been there.
Just know that healing is always possible and learn to talk and connect with your teeth (yes talking). You might find they have more wisdom than you ever thought.
And remember to keep on smiling because no matter the state of your teeth there’s always something to smile about.
You have a beautiful smile and it’s time to realize its potential.
Growing up I had my fair share of mouth problems, tooth aches, stains, cavities, braces, crowns, fillings, and more. Now in a perfect world none of this would be necessary and I’d have perfect teeth but that’s not the case.
Almost everyone in the world has had some problem with their dental care and I’m going to show you it’s possible to completely reverse disease in the mouth and have truly strong and resilient teeth.
Every time you go to the dentist it seems like you have another problem with your teeth and need a filling, crown, or even a root canal. take a deep breath and understand that mainstream dentists that are pumped out by the education system do not learn that teeth can be healed and regenerated. So before you drill and fill take a second to chill.
The most important things when it comes to the health of your teeth and mouth in my experience are
- nutrition
- oral microbiome
- having your own mouth care system (I’ll talk about this later)
- the position and alignment of your jaw.
- education around the dangers of modern dentistry.
This guide is meant to be broad. I’ll be going more in depth into things in other blog posts.
Nutrition is the most important.
Dr. Weston A. Price was a Dentist in the early 1900’s who set out on a mission to figure out why most people in the modern world were having major problems with their dental health. So he went to remote parts of the world that were not yet modernized to see what made their teeth so healthy. What he found in these remote places is a lack of cavities, perfect jaws that fit all their teeth, little to no teeth erosion, and no dentists. The conclusion he came up with is that modern peoples diet of highly processed, refined foods lacking in vitamins, minerals, and life force is the culprit of modern dental diseases. And boy was he correct
The main difference between the “primal” groups and the modern peoples teeth was the quality of their diet. The primal people all had different diets and cultures but what stayed the same was they all focused on high quality animal foods. Whether they were hunters or agrarian animal foods were vital to the health of these people. Red meat, pork, raw milk, butter, eggs, bone marrow, soups, cheese, fish, shellfish, organs, etc. Along with animal foods they also had high quality plant foods.
When it comes to dental health nutrition mostly from animal foods rich in fat soluble vitamins and minerals is the most important to strengthen enamel, prevent tooth decay, promote a healthy oral microbiome, and heal your mouth.
The foods you want to avoid are processed sugar and artificial sweeteners, candy, soda, cereals, fruit juice that’s sweetened, grains and nuts that haven’t been fermented (high amounts of anti-nutrients), table salt, junk food, fast foods, prescription drugs, seed oils, and anything that is not organic and high quality. Personally I am a fan of natural sugar and I think they’ve gotten a bad rap but see what your direct experience shows you. The key is to do your best sourcing quality food without going neurotic.
Now there’s a a major push for veganism and plant based diets that lack many of the things animal foods have. If you’re hell bent on being veganism like I was once upon a time until I cracked then I encourage you to make sure you’re getting everything in your diet (which is almost impossible).
Mouth Care System
This is something I avoided for a few years because I deemed it too “modern.” But I began to see the value in having your own mouth care system when I started seeing stains on my teeth. Probably from all the apple cider vinegar I was drinking at the time because I was doing a lot of liver flushes. And this system I found has gotten rid of those stains completely and my smile is better than it was before.
Currently my mouth care system includes water flossing, Closyls sensitive mouth rinse, brushing with an automatic toothbrush with soft bristles, xylitol gum, oil pulling (with coconut oil), homemade baking soda and coconut oil toothpaste and Hello Fluoride-Free toothpaste, and Listerine original (yes Listerine).
This is mouth care system is a mix of my own research and Dr. Ellie Phillips. She has something called a complete mouth care system and I suggest you check it out but I adjusted it to omit the fluoride. She also has a book that’s great.
When it comes to the toothbrush you don’t necessarily need an automatic one I just prefer it at the moment and I also like soft bristles to so their not so hard on my teeth.
The saliva in your mouth is meant to be alkaline so I take a piece of xylitol gum after I eat to create a an alkaline environment. You can also have a piece of cheese or milk at the end of a meal to promote alkalinity.
Water flossing is pretty new to me and I’ve been loving it. I do it at the beginning of my routine it gets hard to reach places. Especially if you have teeth that aren’t coming in correctly this could be a game changer to avoid infection. You can also put salt in it to create saline rinse type of thing.
So when it comes to toothpaste and mouthwash. For toothpaste I switch between my own homemade toothpaste and Hello brand fluoride-free toothpaste. For mouthwash this one is weird. Dr Ellie Phillips recommends Listerine and Closyls as a part of the system. My intention is exploration and health so I’ve been trying these two and my teeth have felt cleaner. These two things have ingredient that I’m not a fan of so I’ll se how it goes. She does have some research that shows Listerine doesn’t cause damage to the oral microbiome. If you really don’t want to use Listerine then use 3% hydrogen peroxide with water.
Make your mouthcare system unique to you but also be somewhat realistic. Just because something is modern does not mean it’s bad.
Position Of Your Jaw
The position of the jaw can make or break your mouth. It determines your mental clarity, mental health, health of your nervous system, attractiveness of your face, teeth grinding, if your teeth come in straight, level of tooth decay, and more.
I’m doing lots of research on this at the moment because it is fairly new to me.
What I do know is that most people jaws are completely out of alignment.
Dr. Weston A. Price Observed that native people had “perfectly formed dental arches.” In other words they had perfect jaws.
Conventional orthodontists try to fix this with braces and filing down the teeth but this is a mistake. The more holistic and health way to do it is to slowly reposition the jaw so that everything is in alignment through the use of Orthopedics.
Professionals will tell you that the way your teeth come in is because of your genetics and of course this is horse shit. It’s the diet, lifestyle, and nutrition of the parents that determine whether the child’s jaw will develop properly or not.
When you close your mouth the jaw and your TMJ should be relaxed and your teeth should be flush with each other
As I’ve been learning about this I’ve been feeling into the tightness and discomfort of my jaw.
It’s beyond the scope of this blog post to completely fill you in on how to correct your jaw but I’ll make a full blog post in the future.
Dental Dangers
Education around dental dangers is vital.
We must understand that most dentists are pumped out by a system that focuses not on quality but on the quantity of patients. If the focuses is quantity then their going to use the quickest modalities and the cheapest materials on each patient which results in a fucked up mess.
The biggest dangers of dental work are amalgam fillings (mercury), braces, root canals, pulling teeth, and fluoride.
The dentist can actually cause a lot of trauma and pain for a lot of people. People end up getting out of touch with their teeth and don’t take care of them. Because that’s what trauma does. It keeps you blind and closed off to reality.
I am a fan of dental cleanings but I know some people who aren’t. This decision is up to you. Let your direct experience guide you.
So are dentists overrated? The ones that suck are overrated;) and the ones that genuinely care about their craft and the health of peoples mouths are the ones that are truly valuable.
Dental problems cause so much pain, suffering, and insecurity, and I’ve been there.
Just know that healing is always possible and learn to talk and connect with your teeth (yes talking). You might find they have more wisdom then you ever thought.
And remember to keep on smiling because no matter the state of your teeth there’s always something to smile about.