Science is a distraction from actual health. Experiments, tests, labs, trials, all these things lead to mental masturbation. How many experiments on sunlight do we need to face the truth that the sun is amazing for you? Now, of course, science can be a great tool but it’s not the end all be all. Actual health and wellness is a connection to reality and when you’re stuck at the level of science you distance yourself from life.
Constantly overthinking and analyzing things leads to sickness. Modern science when it comes to health focuses on developing toxic prescriptions, evil medications, and quick and easy pills. Science is constantly catching up to the truth. Certain things about healing, disease, and detoxification have been known for thousands of years, and then you have people with fancy computers and lab coats saying “ Lemon water is this” and “Steak is actually.” Goddamnit!
Health is a part of your DNA. It’s within you. You can use your intuition and body sense to feel what’s good for you. I’m not saying you are not ready studies and educate yourself but if that isn’t balanced with intuition you’ll get lost in the maze of health research never to be found again. You have something within you called the Akashic records. All the downloads you want come to you in moments of stillness and calm. Quiet your being to receive the truth.
I was reading something once that said the ancient Chinese masters used to study atoms and our meridian system in a state of meditation. Now I don’t know if that’s true or not but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was. It would explain how something as complex and intricate as Chinese medicine came to be without all the crazy modern-day science. Instead of constantly listening to your mind, sink inward, relax your body, and listen. You might just find your way.
This isn’t meant to be a demonization of science but rather a questioning of what science is and how it’s constantly changing. I use materialistic science to research all types of things pertaining to health but to me research is never the highest form of healing.